Inquiry into Law-making and the Church in Wales

Inquiry into Law-making and the Church in Wales

The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee has agreed to carry out a short inquiry into law making and the Church in Wales. While the Assembly has no powers in respect of matrimonial law, the Welsh Church Act 1914,  disestablishing the Church in Wales, is a part of the Welsh constitution and, therefore, of interest to this committee.


The terms of reference for the inquiry are to:

  • take expert evidence on the legal background concerning ecclesiastical law as it affects the Church in Wales;
  • take evidence on the processes for making laws regarding the Church in Wales at Westminster;
  • take evidence from the Church in Wales about its inclusion in the UK Government’s Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill;
  • make recommendations about law making and the Church in Wales.


The Committee took written and oral evidence from:

Professor Norman Doe (CIW1)

Professor Thomas Glyn Watkin (CIW2)

The Most Reverend Barry Morgan, Archbishop of Wales and Bishop of Llandaff (CIW3)


Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 29/05/2013
