Agenda and minutes

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Contact: Gareth Price 


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Transcript: Transcript for 27/02/2023 - Petitions Committee

No. Item


Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of Interest

Supporting documents:


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no apologies.


Evidence session - P-06-1307 The Welsh Government should commit to the adoption of the maintenance of new housing estates by local authorities

Hefin David MS

Supporting documents:


The Committee heard evidence from Hefin David MS. Mr David is a campaigner on this issue and previously attempted to introduce legislation.


New Petitions


P-06-1317 Recognise Teaching Assistants as an important asset to schools by raising wage

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to write to the Welsh Local Government Association to ask:


  • their view on how to improve pay and working conditions for TAs;
  • what can they do to encourage local authorities to adopt the new job descriptions being developed;
  • what work is specifically happening to ensure TAs have full year contracts rather than term-time only: and

whether they believe that increasing local authority budgets for education and ring-fencing a % for TA employment would be an effective way of addressing some of the challenges.


P-06-1321 Protect leisure centres and swimming pools from closure during the current energy crisis

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition and noted that whilst it’s disappointing that funding will not be ring-fenced for leisure centres, the petitioner found a recent meeting with the Minister helpful and will now focus their ongoing campaign with the UK Government. In light of this Members agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner for highlighting this important issue.


Updates to previous petitions


P-06-1212 Mark Allen's Law - we want throwline stations around all open water sites in Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee discussed the history of the petition and noted the successful outcome of the petition. Members thanked Leeanne Bartley and her family, and all who have engaged with this inquiry and agreed to close the petition.


P-06-1213 Ban leisure use of Seadoo/jet ski in Cymru. Except in strictly controlled designated areas

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition and in light of the new UK legislation to prosecute irresponsible and dangerous watercraft use Members agreed to write to the Welsh Government and ask whether they plan to enhance protection for wildlife around our coasts.


P-06-1287 Investigate C&V UHB’s refusal to keep north Penarth’s surgery, allocating patients to distant GPs

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to

write back to Minister for Health and Social Services to seek her views on the questions raised in the petitioner’s correspondence.


P-06-1323 We request that the Welsh Government purchase St David’s Hall as a national resource for Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered the petition and agreed to await the publication of Cardiff Council’s consultation on its budget for 2023/24.


Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of the meeting


The motion was agreed.


Discussion of Evidence - P-06-1307 The Welsh Government should commit to the adoption of the maintenance of new housing estates by local authorities


The Committee considered the evidence and agreed to prepare a scoping paper setting out the terms of reference for an inquiry on the issue.