Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Gareth Price 


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Transcript: Transcript for 20/09/2021 - Petitions Committee

Expected timing No. Item



Introduction, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest

Supporting documents:


The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting. There were no apologies.



New Petitions


P-06-1171 Publish clear evidence that COVID 19 is spread by pubs and restaurants practising social distancing

Supporting documents:


As the firebreak lockdown has passed, and most restrictions have now ended, the Committee agreed to note the petition but agreed to take no further action, thanking the petitioner for raising the issue and closing the petition.


P-06-1181 Sea bottom trawling is killing our marine wildlife...Stop bulldozing our seas!

Supporting documents:


The Committee agreed to write to the Chair of the Climate Change, Environment, and Infrastructure Committee to ask whether MPA’s might be an area for consideration during this Senedd.


P-06-1182 Only shut businesses that have previously had a COVID-19 case linked to them

Supporting documents:


The Committee noted that circumstances have changed considerably since the petition was submitted in December 2020, with all hospitality now able to open. The Committee agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.


P-06-1184 Immediately ban the use of toxic lead in all ammunition in Wales... lead is killing our wildlife!

Supporting documents:


Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He is a member of British Association for Shooting and Conservation (BASC)


The Committee noted that the concerns raised by the petitioner are supported by the Minister and are being taken forward as part of the lead shot restriction process with the UK and Scottish Government, and agreed that it would keep a watching brief on the issue and return to the petition following the review by the UK REACH Work Programme.


P-06-1208 New laws to protect rare red squirrels from habitat loss which causes population decline

Supporting documents:


The Committee agreed to write to Business Committee to request a debate in Plenary.



Updates to previous petitions


P-05-1040 Introduce a moratorium on the approval any new large scale waste incinerators in Wales

Supporting documents:


Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He knows the petitioner.


The Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Climate Change to seek an update on this petition including:

  • whether large scale incinerators currently being considered through the planning process for Developments of National Significance have been stopped and are also subject to the moratorium; and
  • whether the planning Inspectorate will no longer accept future large-scale applications.


P-05-1041 A clear policy and funding for hospitals and care homes for virtual visiting during times of lockdown

Supporting documents:


The Committee acknowledged the challenging experiences when visits to Care Homes were restricted. As Wales is now on Alert Level Zero and the visiting guidance has been updated, the Committee concluded that there was little further they could do, and agreed to thank the petitioner for highlighting their concern and close the petition.
In doing so members agreed to thank the Minister for her engagement and write to her asking that issues raised in the petition are taken into consideration in the future should the situation arise again.


P-05-1132 Instigate an Independent Judicial Inquiry into Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board

Supporting documents:


Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He knows the petitioner


Buffy Williams MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

She knows the petitioner


The Committee noted that the previous Petitions Committee agreed to wait for the petitioner’s comments on the Minister’s response. However due to the lack of response from the petitioner, the Committee agreed that there was no clear action it could take and close the petition.


P-05-1112 Help Welsh Communities Buy Community Assets: Implement Part 5 Chapter 3 of the Localism Act 2011

Supporting documents:


The Committee noted that the Welsh Government has published the research on Community Asset Transfer, and that this has been shared with the petitioner. Members agreed to ask the Welsh Government about their response to the Research published in March and whether they accept the recommendations, asking how and when they will be implemented.


P-05-1140 Revise the guidance for Free School Meals, removing the option for delivery of food parcels

Supporting documents:


Jack Sargeant MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He knows the petitioner


The Committee noted that whilst the petition raised an important issue, children have returned to school since April 2021. Members therefore agreed to write to the Minister for Education and Welsh Language, asking that he note the issues raised in the petition as part of the review currently being conducted into the eligibility criteria of free school meals. In doing so the Committee agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.


P-06-1160 Require local Welsh exam centres to accept home-educated students for public exams

Supporting documents:


The Committee agreed to look at the issue raised in the petition again, following the response from the Welsh Government, noting that the issues around this petition are not specific to the Covid-19 pandemic. Members agreed to write back to the Welsh Government, asking for more information on their long-term policy work around home learners which was paused due to the pandemic.


P-06-1163 Extend the postgraduate STEMM bursary to all MSc students in Wales

Supporting documents:


Jack Sargeant MS declared the following relevant interests under Standing Order 17.24A:

He has previously held discussions with the Minister for Education and Welsh Language in relation to Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) training


He is a former engineer


The Committee agreed to write to the Minister to:

  • note it’s disappointment that the legislative framework means that there is a group of students who cannot access the additional support provided to their peers, including students on a wider basis than just those on the STEMM Bursary; and
  • ask him to look again at this anomaly and how it could be addressed within the current legislative framework.



P-06-1158 The Welsh Government to put in place a dedicated disability Minister within the next term of Government

Supporting documents:


The Committee welcomed the establishment of the Ministerial-led Disability Rights Taskforce which will be taking forward the recommendations of the report by the Disability Equality Forum, which includes a call for a dedicated Disability Minister. It therefore agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.


P-06-1166 Provide tax free grants to people working in the arts and to provide grant funding to arts venues

Supporting documents:


Joel James MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He knows the petitioner


Buffy Williams MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

She knows the petitioner


The Committee agreed that it was unclear what further action could now be taken and agreed to close the petition and the thank the petitioner.


P-06-1170 An immediate independent review of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 selection process in the WPWL

Supporting documents:


Luke Fletcher MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He signed the statement of opinion that went to the Senedd on this issue.


Jack Sargeant MS declared the following relevant interest under Standing Order 17.24A:

He is a board members of a Welsh Premier League club.


The Committee agreed to:


  • acknowledge the petitioner’s frustration regarding the process and lack of transparency in relation to publishing the scoring matrix which informed the FAW’s selection.
  • state their disappointment with the FAW restructure process
  • note the Committee’s frustration and that unfortunately the Committee have no other avenues it can pursue and therefore must close the petition and thank the petitioner for highlighting her concerns.


P-05-1000 Make it compulsory for Black and POC UK histories to be taught in the Welsh education curriculum

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition alongside petition P-05-1080 Introduce anti-racist teaching materials to children in schools in Wales to reduce hate crimes and agreed to welcome the fact that the Working Group’s comprehensive report and 51 recommendations were accepted by the Education Minister in March 2021 and:

  • that both petitions have been successful in highlighting the need for improved knowledge and understanding of the experiences and contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities within the Welsh Curriculum,
  • to thank the petitioner for raising these important issues and close the petitions; and
  • In closing the petition, members agreed to write to the Minister for an update on implementing the recommendations at the end of March 2022, agreeing to share that response with the petitioners.


P-05-1080 Introduce anti-racist teaching materials to children in schools in Wales to reduce hate crimes

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition alongside petition P-05-1000 Make it compulsory for Black and POC UK histories to be taught in the Welsh education curriculum and agreed to welcome the fact that the Working Group’s comprehensive report and 51 recommendations were accepted by the Education Minister in March 2021 and:

  • that both petitions have been successful in highlighting the need for improved knowledge and understanding of the experiences and contributions of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities within the Welsh Curriculum,
  • to thank the petitioner for raising these important issues and close the petitions; and
  • In closing the petition, members agreed to write to the Minister for an update on implementing the recommendations at the end of March 2022, agreeing to share that response with the petitioners.





Motion under Standing Order 17.42(ix) to resolve to exclude the public from item 5 of the meeting.


The motion was agreed.



Forward work programme


The Committee considered how it wished to approach its Forward Work Programme and agreed it would request to meet in person for its next meeting on 4 October.


The Committee also agreed to return to the issue of signature thresholds at the next meeting.