Agenda and minutes

Venue: Presiding Officer’s office, 4th floor - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Sulafa Thomas, x8669 

No. Item




Introduction and apologies


Sandy Mewies had sent apologies.


Declarations of interest


There were no declarations of interest.


Minutes of the previous meeting

Supporting documents:


The minutes of 23 April were agreed.


Procurement Report (Jan-March)


The Commission considered a paper which gave them an overview of the progress made on procurement, three years after the service was centralised.

The Procurement team’s efforts are focussed on ensuring that the Commission procures goods and services in an efficient, sustainable and environmentally and socially responsible manner.  The emphasis is also on sourcing goods and services that deliver the quality and value for money that Assembly Members and the public have the right to expect. Particular support and encouragement is provided to potential suppliers that are small and are based in Wales.

Commission members were interested in plans to introduce a supplier development programme for those key suppliers who have staff working alongside Commission staff on our estate. The aim is to drive better efficiency and value for money from these contracts, encourage innovation and promote our organisational values, so that suppliers support our core values especially in the areas of equality, diversity and sustainability. The contracts identified are:


        Facilities management;

        Cleaning; and


Commissioners asked a number of questions about the opportunities local SMEs have to win Commission business, and discussed the possibility that the National Procurement Service framework contracts might not always be right for the Commission. The procurement team are aiming to be more proactive in engaging with the local supply base. Plans are in place to conduct a Wales-wide market analysis for what we buy and to alert potential suppliers to opportunities when they arise.


Highlight Report (Jan to March)

Supporting documents:


The highlight report gave the Commission an update on key activities and projects since January 2015.

Commissioners’ discussion focussed on:

·         Work done by the Research Service to make information more accessible and engaging.

·         An update on the anticipated publication by the Remuneration Board of their Determination for the Fifth Assembly – due to be made at 10am on 22 May.

·         The continuation of activity on Constitutional Change, in anticipation of the Queen’s Speech and as a follow-on from the lead taken by the Presiding Officer. Commissioners agreed it would be important to give the issue timely attention and recognised that the work of the CLA Committee would form an important part of this.

·         Preparation work, underway, to complete the annual report and accounts. Commissioners also discussed a letter that had been received from the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee.

·         The arrangements made to welcome the two new Assembly Members, and the induction plans made with them.

·         Bilingual working, including the ground breaking achievements of the HR system.

·         CPD plans for Members in the Fifth Assembly.

·         Activity to support external organisations in developing their capacity to give evidence to committees.



Corporate Performance Report (Apr 14-Mar 15)


Commissioners considered the third, and final, draft performance report for the financial year 2014-15. It provided information for the period April 2014 – March 2015.


The report identified a number of highlights:

Performance in providing outstanding parliamentary support

        Increase in the number of Welsh learners.

        Completion of Members’ preference exercise to improve support for committee work.

Performance in engaging with the people of Wales and promoting Wales

        Increases in visitors on tours with an increase in visitor satisfaction.

        Successful engagement week with significant increases in social media interactions.

        External recognition in terms of accessibility and inclusivity.

Performance in using our resources wisely

        Continued improvements, or maintained levels of performance for:

-        budget management;

-        energy emissions; and

-        levels of satisfaction in services provided to Assembly Members.

Commissioners reflected on the staff sickness absence rates and the causes, and discussed stress-related illness.

Commissioners agreed to publish the report. They also agreed to move to producing it twice a year. The reports will now need to cover April to September and then April to March.



Remuneration Committee Annual Report


Helena Feltham, who chairs the Remuneration Committee, described the work of the Committee over the last year. She explained that, although the Committee works in an advisory capacity, it is robust in its work, so is an effective tool from a governance point of view.


The Presiding Officer thanked Helena and the Committee for their work.



Audit Committee minutes 20/4/15


The Audit and Risk Assurance Committee minutes from the meeting on 20 April were noted.


Any other business


The Commission’s next meeting will be on Thursday, 11 June 2015, when Commissioners will consider a paper on the appointment of the successor to the Chief Executive and Clerk to the Assembly.