Y Pwyllgor Amgylchedd a Chynaliadwyedd

Environment and Sustainability Committee










27 February 2015



Dear Colleague

The Environment and Sustainability Committee has followed the creation and development of Natural Resources Wales, from the business case stage through to its creation and subsequent operation, and has undertaken various inquiries into aspects of this process.

A key feature of the Committee’s on-going scrutiny has been an annual session with the Chief Executive and Chair of Natural Resources Wales.

This year, the Committee has decided to seek the views of stakeholders and the public to help inform this scrutiny session.

We are interested to hear about your experience of working with and/or accessing services from Natural Resources Wales and how it is delivering its statutory functions (including the resources available to deliver these functions).

Where possible, we would like you to provide specific examples that support your point of view.

We will also be inviting a selection of stakeholders to give evidence to us in person on 22 April and we will be scrutinising Natural Resources Wales on 6 May.




Alongside this consultation we are inviting views to be submitted through Twitter using the hash tag #NRWscrutiny. We will be posing a series of questions at the start of each week during the consultation period to help encourage debate and a summary of Twitter interactions will be considered by the Committee before the final scrutiny session.

At the end of the process the Committee will express its view through published correspondence or a short report. All those that submit evidence will receive a copy.

Invitation to contribute to the inquiry

The Committee welcomes evidence from both individuals and organisations.  If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please provide a brief description of the role of your organisation.

Generally, we ask for submissions to be made in writing because it is normal practice for the National Assembly to publish evidence provided to a Committee on our internet site so that it becomes part of the public record. Please let us know if you have any objections to our publishing your evidence.  We are also able to accept evidence in audio or video format.  The Committee welcomes contributions in English or Welsh, and we ask organisations with Welsh Language policies / schemes to provide bilingual responses, where applicable, in line with their public information policies. 

If you wish to submit evidence, please send an electronic copy of your submission to SeneddEnv@assembly.wales Alternatively, you can write to: Committee Clerk, Environment and Sustainability Committee, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.

Submissions should arrive by 10 April 2015 and should preferably be no longer than four pages of A4, have numbered paragraphs and in a word format.  It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.

A copy of this letter has been placed on the National Assembly’s website with an open invitation to submit views.



Disclosure of Information

You can find further details about how we will use your information at http://www.assembly.wales/help/privacy/help-inquiry-privacy.htm. Please ensure that you have considered these details carefully before submitting information to the Committee.

Yours faithfully



Alun Ffred Jones AM
